
The problem of electromagnetic radiation from electric and magnetic line sources interacting with a moving lossy half-space is treated. The line source is oriented normal to the medium motion. The E and the H modes are excited independently in the moving medium by the magnetic and the electric line sources, respectively. Following the standard technique the expressions for the far-zone radiation field and the radiation pattern are obtained for both line sources. It is found that the radiation from an electric line source in vacuum remains practically unaffected by the medium motion as opposed to the case of a magnetic line source in vacuum. Further, when the medium supporting the line source is backed by a perfect conductor, the radiation from a magnetic line source has finite value of unity in both the ϑ = 0 and ϑ = π directions. This result is in contradistinction to the case of a magnetic (or an electric) line source situated in a medium that is backed by a half-space of finite conductivity. Numerical results for the far-zone radiation pattern, referring to both electric and magnetic line sources, are presented for several values of the physical parameters.

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