
Abstract With the development of complex and unconventional reservoirs, oil and gas exploration becomes increasingly difficult. Highly deviated wells/horizontal wells are widely used. The electromagnetic propagation logging while drilling (LWD) is more effective in complex geological environment detection owing to geological orientation and real-time formation evaluation. However, its operating frequency is generally at the MHz level. Traditional acquisition techniques require an analogue to digital converter with high sampling rates, which will introduce complex circuit structures and increase sampling costs. The undersampling technology has overcome these disadvantages. The difficulties in the undersampling technology include the selection of an undersampling frequency and the acquisition of a signal correction coefficient. The range of undersampling frequencies and a correction coefficient has been developed to process the electromagnetic propagation LWD measurements in this paper. The range of undersampling frequency ensures the validity of the sampled data. The correction coefficient ensures that different frequency signals use the same undersampling frequency to obtain the same frequency recovery signal. The correctness of these parameters is verified by simulation and field data examples. The range of undersampling frequency and a correction coefficient has been applied, improving the data stability and providing reliable technical support for the exploration and development of unconventional oil and gas.

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