
AbstractThe electromagnetic propagation in a relativistic electron gas at finite temperatures and carrier densities is described. Using quantum electrodynamics at finite temperatures, electric and magnetic responses and general constitutive relations are obtained. Rewriting the propagator for the electromagnetic field in terms of the electric and magnetic responses, the modes that propagate in the gas are identified. As expected, the usual collective excitations are obtained, i.e., a longitudinal electric and two transverse magnetic plasmonic modes. In addition, a purely photonic mode is found, which satisfies the wave equation in vacuum, for which the electron gas is transparent. Dispersion relations for the plasmon modes at zero and finite temperatures are presented and the intervals of frequency and wavelength where both electric and magnetic responses are simultaneously negative are identified, a behavior previously thought not to occur in natural systems. The investigation of the electromagnetic responses of a relativistic electron gas shows that, apart from the usual longitudinal electric plasmon mode and the two transverse magnetic plasmon modes, there is also a pure photonic mode that propagates with the speed of light, as if the medium were transparent. Furthermore, there is a region of frequencies and wavenumbers of the external fields where both the longitudinal electric permittivity and magnetic permeability are simultaneously negative, a property found in artificially constructed metamaterials.

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