
Weyl semimetals (WSM) are a new class of topological materials that exhibit a bulk Hall effect due to time-reversal symmetry breaking, as well as a chiral magnetic effect due to inversion symmetry breaking. These unusual electromagnetic responses can be characterized by an axion term $\theta \textbf{E} \cdot \textbf{B}$ with space and time dependent axion angle $\theta (\textbf{r} ,t)$. In this paper we compute the electromagnetic fields produced by an electric charge near to a topological Weyl semimetal with two Weyl nodes in the bulk Brillouin zone. We find that, as in ordinary metals and dielectrics, outside the WSM the electric field is mainly determined by the optical properties of the material. The magnetic field is, on the contrary, of topological origin in nature due to the magnetoelectric effect of topological phases. We show that the magnetic field exhibits a particularly interesting behavior above the WSM: the field lines begin at the surface and then end at the surface (but not at the same point). This behavior is quite different from that produced by an electric charge near the surface of a topological insulator, where the magnetic field above the surface is generated by an image magnetic monopole beneath the surface, in which case, the magnetic field lines are straight rays. The unconventional behavior of the magnetic field is an experimentally observable signature of the anomalous Hall effect in the bulk of the WSM. We discuss a simple candidate material for testing our predictions, as well as two experimental setups which must be sensitive to the effects of the induced magnetic field.

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