
We construct the propagator for a free fermionic unparticle field from basic considerations of scale and Lorentz invariance. The propagator is fixed up to a normalization factor which is required to recover the result of a free massless fermion field in the canonical limit of the scaling dimension. Two new features appear compared to the bosonic case. The propagator contains both γ and non-γ terms, and there is a relative phase of π/2 between the two in the time-like regime for arbitrary scaling dimension. This should result in additional interference effects on top of the one known in the bosonic case. The non-γ term can mediate chirality flipped transitions that are not suppressed by a light fermion mass but are enhanced by a large bosonic mass in loops, compared to the pure particle case. We employ this last feature to set stringent bounds on the Yukawa couplings between a fermionic unparticle and an ordinary fermion through electromagnetic dipole moments and radiative decays of light fermions.

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