
Antisymmetrized Multicluster Dynamic Model with Pauli projection (AMDMP) recently developed by our group for quantitative description of light nuclei is reviewed and compared to more traditional models like RGM etc. Main emphasis is given to the AMDMP predictions for spectral characteristics and for e.-m. and weak interaction properties of light nuclei. Many advantages of the model developed before as compared with the more traditional models are vividly demonstrated. Among them: (i) a high accuracy and reliability of predictions and absence of any fitting or free parameters, (ii) clear meaning of exchange effects and a physically correct separation of antisymmetrization effect contributions to e.-m. and weak transitions from those to the dynamics of cluster interaction. As particular interesting applications of the model developed we discuss spectra, Coulomb displacements and static characteristics for nuclei with A=6 ( 6He 6Li 6Be) and A=9 ( 9Be and 9B) and elastic and inelastic e.-m. form factors of 6Li and 9Be. A generalization of (A)MDMP version for a quantitative treatment of the complicated near-threshold few body continuum is described. Very high accuracy of the continuum predictions are demonstrated by 4He + d scattering phase shifts and a β-delayed deuteron emission of 6He as examples.

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