
Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) drying is a dryer that does not require moving parts and is environmentally friendly and it results more durable. The purpose of it study is to compare among the physical characteristics of the results of the EHD Drying of the crop seeds with variations in shape. This research used samples of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seeds, Long Bean (Vegna Unguiculata ssp) Seeds and Winged bean (Psophocarpus Tetragonolobus) Seeds. It is in variations in diameter of seeds form. EHD flow is yield corona discharge plasma. It is using 10 pairs x 10 pairs of electrodes wich have configuration pin-three concentris ring. It is generated with applied high voltage of 18 kV, the gap electrode 4 mm and drying time 0-35 minutes with a 5 minute time interval. According to the results obtained, the graph of drying rate and the energy efficiency of all seeds sample is the maximum at the beginning of drying is after a 30 minute drying time and then decays with additional drying time. The drying rate and energy efficiency of the cucumber seeds is the largest and the winged bean seeds are the smallest.

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