
Analyze the measures of the fundamental frequency, electroglotographic jitter, contact quotient and periodicity of the electroglotographic waves of the singers in habitual voice. A cross-sectional observational study, which selected individuals from singing schools in the central region of the municipality of Belo Horizonte. The sample was non-probabilistic, for convenience consisted of 60 singers aged between 18 and 55 years, 30 males and 30 females. For the electroglotographic record collection, the Kay Pentax ™ CSL program, model 6103, the Electroglotographic module was used. The participants were placed in a seated position, and after cleaning the skin of the neck with 70% alcohol, two electrodes were placed on the wings of the thyroid cartilage at the level of the vocal folds. Subsequently, the participants were instructed to emit the vowel/a/sustained in a habitual way. The measurements of the fundamental frequency (f0), contact quotient (QC), electroglotographic jitter and periodicity of the electroglotographic wave were analyzed. The data were statistically analyzed using Minitab 17. The parameters analyzed were statistically significant. The fundamental frequency (f0) was higher in females (226.91Hz) when compared to males (166.54Hz). The measure of contact quotient and periodicity was also higher in women (40.46% and 15.51% respectively) when compared to men (27.45% and 7.82, respectively). The jitter parameter was higher in men when compared to women. Women presented higher values in the fundamental frequency (f0), contact quotient (QC) and periodicity of the wave compared to men. The men presented the jitter value higher than that of the women.


  • Analyze the measures of the fundamental frequency, electroglotographic jitter, contact quotient and periodicity of the electroglotographic waves of the singers in habitual voice

  • for convenience consisted of 60 singers aged between

  • The participants were placed in a seated position

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Voice Larynx Voice quality Dysphonia Speech acoustics

Objetivo: Analisar as medidas de frequência fundamental, jitter eletroglotográfico, quociente de contato e periodicidade das ondas eletroglotográficas da voz de cantores em registro modal. Foram analisadas as medidas de frequência fundamental (f0), quociente de contato (QC), jitter eletroglotográfico e periodicidade da onda eletroglotográfica. A frequência fundamental (f0) foi maior nas mulheres (226,91 Hz) quando comparada com a dos homens (166,54 Hz). As medidas de quociente de contato e de periodicidade também foram maiores nas mulheres (40,46 % e 15,51 %, respectivamente) se comparadas às dos homens (27,45 % e 7,82, respectivamente). O parâmetro de jitter foi maior nos homens, quando comparado ao das mulheres. Conclusão: Os valores de frequência fundamental (f0), quociente de contato (QC) e periodicidade da onda foram maiores nas mulheres.

Parâmetros eletroglotográficos
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