
The M1 form factor for the 0 + (3.562 MeV, T = 1) level in 6Li has been measured in the momentum transfer range q = 0.26−1.15fm −1. The radiative width is found to be Γ γ0 = 8.16 ± 0.19eV by extrapolation to the photon point. Phenomenological configuration amplitudes have been obtained for the ground and 3.562 MeV level, and it is shown that the 1p harmonic oscillator radial wave functions do not give a good description of the inelastic form factor. The results have been applied to the reaction 6Li( γ, π +) 6He near threshold. The theoretical cross section is 24% higher than the data. The muon capture rate in 6Li and F A(0) are also evaluated.

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