
Nuclear structure of 20,22Ne isotopes has been studied via the shell model with Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculations. In particular, the transitions to the low-lying positive and negative parity excited states have been investigated within three shell model spaces; sd for positive parity states, spsdpf large-basis (no-core), and zbme model spaces for negative parity states. Excitation energies, reduced transition probabilities, and elastic and inelastic form factors were estimated and compared to the available experimental data. Skyrme interaction was used to generate a one-body potential in the Hartree-Fock calculations for each selected excited states, which is then used to calculate the single-particle matrix elements. Skyrme interaction was used to calculate the radial wave functions of the single-particle matrix elements, from which a one-body potential in Hartree-Fock theory with SLy4 parametrization can be generated. Furthermore, we have explored the interplays among neutron and proton density profiles in two dimensions, along with the deformations of 20,22Ne using Hartree-Fock plus BCS calculations.

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