
ChemElectroChem is in its third year and is now established as one of the top electrochemistry journals worldwide. The journal has received its first (partial) impact factor of 3.506 from Thomson Reuters's Web of Knowledge, which is an excellent result. The ten most cited articles published so far are listed in Table 1. Authors Title Vol. Page Nos. X. Zhou, Y.-G. Guo Highly Disordered Carbon as a Superior Anode Material for Room-Temperature Sodium-Ion Batteries 1 83–86 Q. Wang , J. Xu, X. Wang, B. Liu, X. Hou, G. Yu, P. Wang, D. Chen, G. Shen Core–Shell CuCo2O4@MnO2 Nanowires on Carbon Fabrics as High-Performance Materials for Flexible, All-Solid-State, Electrochemical Capacitors 1 559–564 C. Costentin, J.-M. Savéant Multielectron, Multistep Molecular Catalysis of Electrochemical Reactions: Benchmarking of Homogeneous Catalysts 1 1226–1236 X. Hou, X. Wang, B. Liu, Q. Wang, Z. Wang, D. Chen, G. Shen SnO2@TiO2 Heterojunction Nanostructures for Lithium-Ion Batteries and Self-Powered UV Photodetectors with Improved Performances 1 108–115 I. Valov Redox-Based Resistive Switching Memories (ReRAMs): Electrochemical Systems at the Atomic Scale 1 26–36 H. Kim, K.-Y. Park, M.-Y. Cho, M.-H. Kim, J. Hong, S.-K. Jung, K. C. Roh, K. Kang High-Performance Hybrid Supercapacitor Based on Graphene-Wrapped Li4Ti5O12 and Activated Carbon 1 125–130 A. Chiappone, F. Bella, J. R. Nair, G. Meligrana, R. Bongiovanni, C. Gerbaldi Structure–Performance Correlation of Nanocellulose-Based Polymer Electrolytes for Efficient Quasi-solid DSSCs 1 1350–1358 R. Frydendal, E. A. Paoli, B. P. Knudsen, B. Wickman, P. Malacrida, I. E. L. Stephens, I. Chorkendorff Benchmarking the Stability of Oxygen Evolution Reaction Catalysts: The Importance of Monitoring Mass Losses 1 2075–2081 U. B. Nasini, V. G. Bairi, S. K. Ramasahayam, S. E. Bourdo, T. Viswanathan, A. U. Shaikh Oxygen Reduction Reaction Studies of Phosphorus and Nitrogen Co-Doped Mesoporous Carbon Synthesized via Microwave Technique 1 573–579 N. Yabuuchi, Y. Matsuura, T. Ishikawa, S. Kuze, J.-Y. Son, Y.-T. Cui, H. Oji, S. Komaba Phosphorus Electrodes in Sodium Cells: Small Volume Expansion by Sodiation and the Surface-Stabilization Mechanism in Aprotic Solvent 1 580–589 Of course, ChemElectroChem would not be successful without the support from you, our readers, authors and reviewers, as well as our society partners. So, many thanks to all of you. Here is to a successful 2017!

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