
This study presents a comprehensive investigation into the electrochemical reduction of LSCF perovskite during electrolysis, aiming to understand the exsolution of metal nanoparticles. The exsolution of metal nanoparticles from perovskite electrodes can significantly enhance their electrochemical performance in electrolysis. By applying cathodic polarization to the perovskite oxide electrode, the exsolution process was shown to be electrochemically induced within a few minutes. Additionally, a user-designed X-ray absorption spectroscopy operando cell was employed to analyze the edge energy change of the B-site atoms during electrolysis. The electrochemical reduction of perovskite and the subsequent exsolution of the B-site metal nanoparticles were investigated by scanning the cell voltage, providing an understanding of the electrochemical behavior during electrolysis. The electrochemical switching point, characterized by a decrease in the incremental area-specific resistance, was identified. This study offers valuable insights into the electrochemical exsolution process of metal nanoparticles from perovskite oxide electrodes.

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