
Constant current pulse testing customarily used for characterization of electrochemicalenergy storage systems for hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) applications substantiallyunderestimates the power capability of electrochemical capacitors for full HEVapplications. Simple constant current testing of batteries provides a good estimate oftheir capability to meet HEV power targets usually given as constant power for the pulseduration usually given as 10 seconds. However, electrochemical capacitors providesignificantly more power in a constant power pulse than a constant current pulse.Further, the actual power-assist HEV application more typically requires ramped powerloads, increasing discharge power ramps for acceleration and decreasing charge powerramps for regenerative braking. The duration of these transients is typically 5 sec or lessrather than 10 seconds. Electrochemical capacitors can deliver several times more powerunder these more realistic conditions.

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