
Single-electron oxidation enables the conversion of electron-rich alkenes such as styrene derivatives to radical cation species. We have been developing various cycloaddition reactions of radical cations produced by single-electron oxidation using electrochemical and TiO2 photochemical methods. Introducing an electron-rich aryl group which we call a redox tag is a critical part of the process to control the reactivity of the radical cations. During carbon-carbon bonds formation the motif functions as both electron donor and electron acceptor. In addition to styrene derivatives, enol ethers can also be readily oxidized by single electron transfer (SET) electrochemically or photochemically to generate the radical cations. For instance, enol ethers tethered redox tag serves efficient radical cation precursors for [2+2] cycloadditions.[1] The cycloadditions are net redox-neutral reactions and are initiated by the formation of a radical cation by single-electron oxidation and completed by reduction after ring formation.Herein, we present [4+2] cycloadditions using enol ethers as dienophiles by electrochemical oxidation in lithium perchlorate (LiClO4)/nitromethane (MeNO2) system. In the case of disubstituted enol ethers prepared from aldehydes, the approach involving redox tag was successful in obtaining the corresponding cycloadducts, while the desired products were not obtained when the substrates without redox tag were subjected.[2] This result suggests that intramolecular electron transfer from the redox tag is crucial for the formation of the cyclohexene ring systems. In contrast, the trisubstituted enol ethers prepared from ketones allowed the cycloaddition reaction to proceed without the involvement of redox tag. It is expected that the methyl group significantly stabilizes the cyclohexene radical cations to have enough lifetime to be reduced by intermolecular SET. Furthermore, since the cycloaddition reaction of enol ether was completed with a catalytic amount of electricity (0.4 F/mol), a radical cation chain mechanism is proposed in which electron acts as a catalyst.

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