
The study was attempted to describe the normal electrocardiographic pattern in cross-bred (Local × Jamunapari) goats under intensive feeding system. The amplitudes and duration of various waveforms of ECG for leads II was estimated. Heart rate varied from 84±6.35 to 97±12.60 beats min -1 with mean of 89±4.18 beats min -1 during the experiment. R-R interval in goats reared under intensive feeding system ranged from 0.68±0.105 sec to 0.74±0.106 sec with mean of 0.72±0.03 sec. The overall P, and T amplitudes (millivolts) were 0.08±0.01 and 0.28±0.053, respectively. The duration of PQ segment under intensive feeding system varied from 0.10±0.01 to 0.12±0.02 sec. The average Q-T interval and S-T interval was 0.30±0.009 sec and 0.20±0.006 sec, indicating the time for which the ventricle remained depolarized. The values obtained during ECG when compared and correlated, indicates that the time duration for ventricular depolarization was increased while RR interval shortened and heart rate was reduced indicating lowering of stress in goats reared under intensive feeding system. So, in conclusion, the study has indicated basic ECG values and could serve as information for comparison of physiological and health status of goats kept under intensive feeding system.

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