
The current study deals with the flow of seminal fluid through the ductus efferentes owing to electro-osmotic force and motion of cilia. The constitutive equation of semen liquid has been assumed to be described as a K-L (Kuang and Luo) fluid model. The main equations of the ciliary flow of K-L model are solved by considering the supremacy of viscous upshot over inertia influence assuming the state of long wave-length number. The analytic expressions for velocity profile, flow rate and flow impedance are derived. This is the first time to bring out to the lime light that the flow impedance is decreased and the plug core radius is enlarged with the introduction of electric force in the ciliary flow system. The effects of pertinent physiological parameters on the time-mean flow rates of rhesus monkey and human semen are thoroughly investigated. The computational mean flow rate's value over the period of time of the current mathematical model has been well matched with the corresponding experimentation values of the time-mean flow rates of rhesus monkey and humanoid semen in the path of generative and the vas deferens of the path of generative of male. Introduction of electric field into the flow ciliary system and the rheology of semen fluid described as K-L fluid model (for the values of rheological parameters of K-L fluid are considered) reduce the flow resistance, which in turn elevates the flow velocity of seminal fluid, which activates the significant and favorable changes for Oocytes getting fertilized within hours of ovulation by means of reasonable volume of semen transport into the female reproductive tract to partake a quick contact with cervical mucus and enter the cervix.

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