
We present a theoretical, numerical and experimental assessment of the impact of speckle on a dual electro-optic frequency comb (EOFC) based system for integrated path differential absorption (IPDA) measurements. The principle of gas concentration measurements in a dual EOFC configuration in the absence of speckle is first briefly reviewed and experimentally illustrated using a C2H2 gas cell. A numerical simulation of the system performance in the presence of speckle is then outlined. The speckle-related error in the concentration estimate is found to be an increasing function of the product between the roughness of the backscattering surface and the EOFC line-spacing. As this product increases, the speckle-induced power fluctuations in the comb lines are no longer correlated to each other. To confirm this, concentration measurements are conducted using backscattered light from two different surfaces. Experiment results are in very good agreement with numerical simulations. Though detrimental for IPDA measurements, it is finally shown that decorrelation of speckle noise can be advantageously exploited for surface characterization in a dual EOFC configuration.

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