
The present study aims to detect the groundwater potential in Tittagudi Taluk of Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu, India using electrical measurement. Electric resistivity data interpretation was carried out using Schlumberger configuration with electrode spacing (AB/2) of 100 m distance. The VES was calculated by multiplying the resistance by constant obtained from the Schlumberger formula. The resistivity curves were analysed with curve matching techniques along with the help of computer programme. The sub-surface lithology was evaluated and correlated with the available borehole data. The results of quantitative interpretation of geoelectrical data indicated that the layer system having minimum of two layers to a maximum of eight layers in the area. The low and high resistivities obtained are ranging from 0.5 to 27755 ohm/m respectively. Majority of resistivity curves are falling in ‘A’ type. The contact zone of sedimentary and crystalline rock formations are clearly delineated on Northeast to Southwest directions along Sirumangalam, Agaram and Sirumalai habitations. The prominent low resistivity anomaly observed in and around Adari area (VES. 03), this have been encountered in all the iso-resistivity contour maps, indicating that, a trend of structural elements like a weaker zone or lineament or fracture occurred in NE direction of the study area which may be a favorable zone for targeting groundwater.

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