
Antiferromagnetic spintronics is on the rise as it could provide advantages over ferromagnetic-based conventional spintronics in terms of scalability, reliability and speed, opening the route to extend the working frequency of memory and logic devices from the current GHz range up to THz [1]. The electrical read-out of the magnetic state in antiferromagnetic materials, however, presents additional challenges due to the lack of a net magnetization which prevents the use of the typical detection schemes employed for ferromagnets. The possibility to access the magnetic configuration state in antiferromagnets by electrical methods would then provide a versatile characterization tool and is fundamental for the development of spintronic devices.At variance with ferromagnets, only few antiferromagnetic conductors have been demonstrated to show anisotropic magnetoresistance [2,3] allowing for a direct electric detection of the magnetic configuration by resistive measurements. In IrMn, the most widely used metallic antiferromagnet in applications, a small anisotropic magnetoresistance [4] has been demonstrated, whereas tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance has been used to infer its magnetic state [5]. Here we follow a different approach exploiting interfacial effects between the antiferromagnet and a suitable neighboring metal layer. This approach, already employed for the insulating antiferromagnet Cr2O3 [6,7], underlines the critical role of interfaces in the determination of the transport properties related to the antiferromagnetic state.In this contribution we report the electrical detection of the antiferromagnetic state of IrMn through anomalous Hall measurements in Ta/IrMn heterostructures, grown by DC magnetron sputtering on a SiO2/Si substrate. The magnetic state is set in the antiferromagnet through out-of-plane field cooling and detected electrically by transverse resistance measurements in Hall bar structures, without the need of any ferromagnetic layer. An offset compensation system has been used to isolate the transverse resistance from spurious contributions (longitudinal resistance and magnetoresistance) [8]. The signal goes to zero at the Néel temperature of the antiferromagnet (TN), above which the system becomes paramagnetic. TN is found out to be 110 K for our 4 nm thick IrMn film, smaller than in the bulk (650 K) because of the finite thickness. The amplitude of the signal increases with the magnetic field applied during the cooling (whereas the value of TN is not affected) and is enhanced by the proximal interface with the Ta layer. We ascribe this enhancement to spin Hall magnetoresistance at room temperature and above, and to magnetic proximity which is the leading term at lower temperatures. From the temperature dependence of the effect and the comparison between Ta/IrMn and Ru/IrMn interfaces, we propose an explanation of such readout based on the simultaneous occurrence of spin-Hall magnetoresistance and magnetic proximity effect in Ta. These findings highlight how interface effects could be generally employed for the investigation of antiferromagnetic materials as well as for the electrical readout of the antiferromagnetic state. **

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