
The conventional teaching methods like the use of demonstration, lecture and project methods in teaching skilled/trade subjects is still persistent among higher institutions in Nigeria, therefore, this study examined Electrical/Electronics technology education teachers attitude, engagement and disposition towards actual usage of mobile learning in higher institutions. The sample for the study comprised 418 electrical/electronics technology education teachers using cluster sampling technique to select samples from higher institutions in three states in the geo-political zone. Data analysis was done with exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The study found out that teacher’s perceived ease of use significantly have positive direct link on actual usage of ML, teacher’s disposition positively linked with perceived ease of use, teacher’s psychological well-being and perceived usefulness positive linked while technical/technology teacher’s training linked negatively with perceived ease of use of ML. Extending TAM robustness, the study affirmed that technical teacher education training and psychological well-being are factors that could influence perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness towards actual usage of mobile learning.

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