
To date, temperature and conductivity have many outstanding implications in extreme environments but are yet to be fully understood under high pressure and temperature dynamic conditions. Here, we introduce an approach to provide high quality electrical conductivity results under dynamic loading conditions. Emphasis is given to address the skin depth effect's influence in a dynamic loading experiment by using thin films. The thin film samples in this study were at least 100 times thinner than previous samples in dynamic electrical conductivity experiments, increasing the current density to its full potential across the sample's entire cross section. Consideration of the skin depth accounts for at minimum a $4\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}$ scaling factor to the final electrical conductivity result that has been neglected in previous dynamic electrical conductivity studies. We also obtained improved signal-to-noise ratio with custom diagnostics optimized for better electrical impedance matching. These considerations were applied to Sn to assess electrical conductivity at elevated pressure and temperature. The high signal-to-noise ratio with reduced skin depth influence results in Sn allowing observation of the conductivity changes related to solid-to-solid and solid-to-liquid phase transitions. Additionally, we calculate the Sn thermal conductivity using the Wiedemann-Franz law for our experiments and compare against thermal transport dependent temperature measurements from previous work.

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