
This paper considers the electrical and optical characterization of glow discharge pulsed plasma in N2/H2 gas mixtures at a pressures range between 0.5 and 4.0 Torr and discharge current between 0.2 and 0.6 A. Electron temperature and ion density measurements were performed employing a double Langmuir probe. They were found to increase rapidly as the H2 percentage in the mixture was increased up to 20%. This increase slows down as the H2 percentage in the gas mixture was increased above 20% at the same pressure. Emission spectroscopy was employed to observe emission from the pulsed plasma of a steady-state electric discharge. The discharge mainly emits within the range 280–500 nm. The emission consists of N2 (C-X) 316, 336, 358 nm narrow peaks and a broad band with a maximum at λmax = 427 nm. Also lines of N2, N2+ and NH excited states were observed. All lines and bands have their maximum intensity at the discharge current of 0.417 A. The intensities of the main bands and spectral lines are determined as functions of the total pressure and discharge current. Agreement with other theoretical and experimental groups was established.

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