
AbstractThis article explores alternatives of interoperability protocols for electric vehicle charging, based on international experience, aiming at identifying choices that would be suitable for implementation in a research and experimentation project in Brazil. The approach used to develop this analysis was through the mapping of international relevant academic production on the subject of interoperability protocols by important players. The charging ecosystem mapped include Charge Point Operator (CPO), eMobility Service Provider (EMSP), and Roaming HUB, all of them having been analyzed and adapted to better suit the local reality. The study discovered that the use of OCPI and OCPP protocols would be the most advantageous for local implementation, both from a technical and business point of view. Based on these choices, an interoperable software platform has been proposed and is currently being developed, counting on the ability to handle interoperable foreseen necessary functions between EMSP, CPO, and HUB and to support the OCPI and OCPP protocols.KeywordsEV roamingInteroperabilityProtocolsElectric vehicles

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