
In the context of holography applied to condensed matter physics, we study Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory with curvature squared corrections. This theory has three couplings eta_i for the three R^2 invariants and two theory functions: a dilaton potential V(phi) and a dilaton-dependent gauge coupling f(phi). We find hyperscaling violating solutions of this theory, parametrized by dynamical critical exponent z and HSV parameter theta. We obtain restrictions on the form of the theory functions required to support HSV-type solutions using three physical inputs: the null energy condition, causality z $\leq$ 1, and d_eff = d - theta lying in the range 0 < d_eff $\leq$ d. The NEC constraints are linear in the eta_i and (quartic) polynomial in d,z,theta. The allowed ranges of z,theta change depending on the signs of eta_i. For the case of Einstein-Weyl gravity, we further narrow down the theory functions and solution parameters required for crossover solutions interpolating between HSV, AdS_d+2 near the boundary, and AdS_2 x R^d in the deep interior.

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