
Poisson-Boltzmann theory is the cornerstone for soft matter electrostatics. We provide exact analytical solutions to this nonlinear mean-field approach for the diffuse layer of ions in the vicinity of a planar or a cylindrical macroion. While previously known solutions are for homogeneously charged objects, the cases worked out exhibit a modulated surface charge-or equivalently, surface potential-on the macroion (wall) surface. In addition to asymptotic features at large distances from the wall, attention is paid to the fate of the contact theorem, relating the contact density of ions to the local wall charge density. For salt-free systems (counterions only), we make use of results pertaining to the two-dimensional Liouville equation, supplemented by an inverse approach. When salt is present, we invoke the exact two-soliton solution to the 2D sinh-Gordon equation. This leads to inhomogeneous charge patterns, that are either localized or periodic in space. Without salt, the electrostatic signature of a charge pattern on the macroion fades exponentially with distance for a planar macroion, while it decays as an inverse power law for a cylindrical macroion. With salt, our study is limited to the planar geometry and reveals that pattern screening is exponential.

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