
The article introduces that the electoral branch is gradually being formed into an independent branch of state power in Ukraine, in which special state authorities operate. The electoral branch is already a component of the separation of powers in a modern state, and this is an important guarantee of the rule of law and of the condition for the democratic functioning of state power. The electoral branch is becoming an integral component of the separation of powers mechanism. The development of Ukrainian statehood actualizes the need for appropriate scientific support for the institutionalization of power and legal regulation of its realization. The electoral branch as a branch of state power represents the powers to conduct preparing and holding elections and referenda, as well as to ensure, exercise and protect the voting rights and the right of citizens of a certain state to participate in a referendum, as well as the system of electoral bodies of different levels exercising these powers.
 In Ukraine, electoral commissions led by the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) are special electoral authorities. Here we are faced with the problem of determining the nature of electoral commissions, and therefore the institutionalization of the electoral branch in Ukraine. The CEC of Ukraine is a permanent state collegial body vested with the power to organize preparing and holding elections to the public authorities. The main task of the CEC of Ukraine is to ensure the realization and protection of constitutional sovereign rights of citizens to elect authorities, to participate in referenda, as well as to express their will. In order to fulfill its responsibilities, the CEC is endowed with rights and powers allowing the involvement of public authorities of all levels in the electoral campaign process. The CEC is an independent and autonomous body, financed exclusively by the budget.
 In the modern world, electoral branch has been institutionalized through the electoral authorities in many states, and in some of them it has been constitutionalized, that is, it has been enshrined in the legislation and in the constitution.
 Similar processes are taking place in modern Ukraine. The creation of the theoretical foundations of the electoral branch from the viewpoint of general theoretical legal science and constitutional legal science will enable to raise the question of enshrining the electoral branch as a branch of state power in the Constitution of Ukraine.


  • Влада Владимировна Тароева, кандидат юридических наук, доцент Национального университета «Одесская юридическая академия»*

  • Исследуя президентские выборы 2019 г., а также выборы в Верховную Раду Украины, можно утверждать, что Центральная Избирательная Комиссия как институт избирательной власти сыграла решающую роль в проведении независимых выборов

  • Важливим конституційним принципом податкового права є принцип встановлення податків і зборів «виключно законами України»

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Legitimacy of State Bodies involved in Citizenship Issues (Ukraine). In the extremely difficult conditions of today, the problems of citizenship for Ukraine have become extremely relevant, becoming one of the factors affecting the state of ensuring its national security. This includes the problem of understanding the legitimacy of the state bodies involved in addressing citizenship issues. Legitimacy and legality are the main features that characterize the state bodies involved in addressing citizenship issues. The current legislation on citizenship of Ukraine legalizes the system of state bodies involved in solving citizenship issues, and legitimizes their actions. Влада Владимировна Тароева, кандидат юридических наук, доцент Национального университета «Одесская юридическая академия»*

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