
As a result of the 1918 Brest-Litovsk peace treaty, German military forces occupied a part of territory of Pskov province where the Pskov Regional Administration was established. Within the occupied territories, the local self-government authorities, which had been existing before the seizure of power by Bolsheviks, were reinstituted. The City Duma of Ostrov obtained permission of Germans to hold reelection of its composition in accordance with the election law of the Provisional Government with some changes: raise of electoral age from 20 to 21 years and introduction of 1-year resident qualification. Holding municipal elections under occupation provoked a discussion on pages of Ostrov newspaper “Moya Gazeta” on timeliness, ethics and legality of this action. The supporters did not consider the election as an overt act of treason, quite the opposite they thought that it would be profitable for locals, while the use of a law of the Provisional Government would allow for preserving close ties to the prerevolutionary legal framework extinguished by Bolsheviks. Invaders prohibited participation of political parties, however did not actually meddle in the race where 7 slates of candidates took part. Polling was held on the September 22nd. The election was won by the list of public figures (under the guise of which were hidden the members of Kadet (Constitutional Democrats) party) in alliance with Ostrov Orthodox brotherhood. Notwithstanding that the forces loyal to invaders dominated in Ostrov Сity Duma, German authorities in preparation for election to Pskov City Duma imposed stricter rules on electoral legislation, increasing electoral age to 25 years and deprived women from voting rights. Elections under new law were never held as in the end of November 1918 the units of the Red Army ousted invaders from the territory of Pskov province.

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