
For more than a year, The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has affected various areas and fields. In the educational domain, all higher education institutions have been forced to be in the form of online learning for a total of four semesters. Throughout those semesters, the teachers employed various technology and apps to help cope with online learning. The aim study compares the service quality of the learning process using an e-learning system with Google Classroom; in making a comparison, the authors use the WebQual 4.0 Modification method. The WebQual 4.0 Modification method is used to analyze the quality of the website based on user perceptions; in this study, the authors compare the e-learning system with Google classroom in providing services during the online learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic. Then the comparison results obtained from the use of E-learning Vs Google Classroom used in online learning, namely in e-learning there are 82.1% agree, 18% disagree and in Google classroom, 92.1% agree and 8.8% disagree. Therefore, the highest result from the calculation of the questionnaire obtained from respondents with a degree of agreement was obtained by Google Classroom in measuring the quality of online learning services during the COVID-19 pandemic Dipa Makassar University. Basically, the use of e-learning is also beneficial in the learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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