
Networked based modern technology which help the user such as internet and world wide web are dramatically changing education learning and teaching style. The advancement of technology help visually challenged user to compete with the visualized people in the field of education and research. It offers high-quality learning resources, exchanging information and making learning groups virtually. The articles discusses on e-learning through mobile application. E- and mobile learning provide enormous possibilities for closing the gap between learners and teachers or the teaching institution, to overcome the misconception of distance learning as an isolated form of learning. M-learning is e-learning through mobile computational devices. Mobile learning devices are defined as handheld devices and can take the form of personal digital assistants, mobile phones, smart phones, audio players, video and multimedia players. They should be connected wirelessly, thus ensuring mobility and flexibility. Innovation in education refers to the changes in teaching and learning as a consequence of the tremendous impact of technological advances. An advanced form in education might mean that in education certain models or patterns no longer exist, because new models and have substituted them. The media applied in distance learning influence the form and nature of interaction and communication, the level of independence and flexibility, as well as scalability and therefore access and costs of distance learning courses.

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