
The world is now experiencing hyperlapse of innovation, transformation and technological advancement that fundamentally reorients human existence. Every aspect of life is changing significantly in a distinctive way as a consequence of globalization, liberalization, technological dynamism and revolution. The fourth industrial revolution has further propelled changes in every facet of society, with education being the key requisite of socialization, and civilization has been driven by this quantum leap. The inculcation of digitalization, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, blockchain, robotics, and animation as the crucial component of IR 4.0 into the education system and classroom offers a glimpse into the present and future of vision and opportunity for acquiring valuable skills for a new generation. There is a pressing need for contemporary education to be creative, analytical, competitive and research-oriented, which ultimately strengthens individuals’ capacity to meet the challenges and needs of the IR 4.0 age. Recently, the world has recognized the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has drastically disrupted the world. During times of lockdown, academic institutions have been compelled to shutdown, denying access to education to a large number of students. Around this period of havoc, educational institutions and academicians began to rely more on online education to ensure the perpetuation of education. The introduction of Education 4.0 and the adoption of an AI-based learning approach have revolutionized the education system and have both had profound effects on education. The paradigm shift to blended and flipped classroom learning has alchemized education with technology for the collaborative and cocreative ecosystem of education.

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