
» Restoration of elbow flexion in the setting of brachial plexopathy is crucial and can be accomplished in a number of ways. Current options include non-free muscle transfers, including tendon, nerve, and pedicled flap transfers, and free functional muscle transfers, most frequently involving transfer of the gracilis muscle.» Currently, free functional muscle transfer is employed when all other options have been exhausted. Graft-related advantages include lack of functional deficits at the donor site, similar size of vascular structures of the gracilis to the thoracoacromial artery and cephalic vein, and contractile fibers running in parallel to the muscle’s course.» Evidence is limited when comparing various methods of elbow flexion reanimation, particularly when evaluating free functional muscle transfers and non-free muscle transfers against each other. However, current but limited evidence appears to demonstrate favorable functional outcomes with free functional muscle transfers, although prospective studies are needed to confirm these findings.

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