
Scientific studies have shown that dysfunctional problems associated with dysmorphisms are the base of malocclusion. The position of the mouth and the head is a component of the general postural arrangement, so any head misalignment creates disharmonies and tensions among the neck muscles. Elastodontics is a treatment based on the use of removable elastomeric devices. These functional appliances are made of elastomeric material, acting tridimensionally on a neuromuscular system with orthopaedic and dental effects. Bioactivators have a vestibular and lingual flange with a free central area that permits them to position teeth without constraints. The flanges are linked by an occlusal plane that maintains the two skeletal bases and teeth in first-class normocclusion with propulsive and retropulsive effects on the maxilla and mandible. Elastomeric devices are generally well tolerated by patients requiring simple collaboration and management. This review aim is to describe the indications and limits of orthodontic therapy with elastomeric devices to provide an overview of elastodontics.

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