
The goal of this study was to investigate elastic-plastic thermal stresses in a thermoplastic composite hollow disc with multiple holes. Different uniform temperature distributions were subjected to the disc as thermal loadings. The thermoplastic composite disc was reinforced by steel fibres as unidirectional for radial direction. Finite element method (FEM) was used to calculate both thermal and residual stresses. Therefore, the thermal stress analysis was carried out using ANSYS finite element software which is known a general purpose engineering simulation. Due to the composite disc having different thermal expansions in radial and tangential directions, thermal stresses were created in it by the applied thermal loadings. The magnitude of the tangential stress components both elastic and elastic-plastic solutions was higher than the radial stress components except edges of multiple holes. In addition, the residual stress components were computed using elastic and elastic-plastic solution results. The calculated results pointed out that the magnitude of thermal and residual stresses were considerably affected increasing of uniform temperature loadings.

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