
It is shown in the work that plastic flow in solids develops always in localized manner. A macroscopic scale ~ 10-2 m characterizes the localization. The localized flow zones form the pattern of localized strain, which is the projection of the autowave processes of plastic flow, developing in the volume, on the observed surface of the tested specimen. One can observe the pattern with the help of speckle-photography method. The investigations of various materials allowed to establish that the pattern of localized deformation is the information source for a kinetics of deformation processes. A general characteristic of localized plastic flow in solids is the elastic-plastic invariant of deformation which couples the typical characteristics of localized plastic flow autowaves with the same for the elastic waves in crystal lattice. The quantity of the invariant ratio is defined for nearly forty various materials (BCC, FCC, HCP metals and alloys, alkali-halide crystals, ceramics, rocks) studied in the conditions of active elongation and compression at the temperature range 143-420 K. The physical considerations are presented to explain the invariant origination and its relation to other physical characteristics of crystal lattice, in particular, the Debye temperature. In the light of these considerations, it is possible to explain the meaning and the origin of the invariant, and to derive numerous consequences from them. In fact, the set of these consequences comprehend all the regularities of developed plastic flow processes and allows to consider the elastic-plastic invariant of deformation as the master equation for developing this day autowave approach to physical theory of plastic deformation.

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