
Shock waves in the [110] and [111] directions of single-crystal Al samples were studied using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Piston-driven simulations were performed to investigate the split shock-wave regime. At low piston velocities, the material is compressed initially to a metastable over-compressed elastic state leading to a super-elastic single shock wave. This metastable elastic state later collapses to a plastic state resulting in the formation of a two-wave structure consisting of an elastic precursor followed by a slower plastic wave. The single two-zone elastic-plastic shock-wave regime appearing at higher piston velocities was studied using moving window MD. The plastic wave attains the same average speed as the elastic precursor to form a single two-zone shock wave. In this case, repeated collapse of the highly over-compressed elastic state near the plastic shock front produces ultrashort triangle pulses that provide the pressure support for the leading elastic precursor.


  • Shock-induced high-strain-rate phenomena in materials can result in a wide range of responses such as elastic-plastic transformations [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], structural phase transitions [8, 9], orientationdependent stress-induced “cold” melting [10, 11], and spallation [12, 13]

  • It was discovered that a plastic SW with a Rayleigh line above the Hugoniot Elastic Limit (HEL) can have a spatially nonuniform two-zone structure

  • This two-zone structure is made up of a leading elastic zone consisting of an elastic front with following uniaxially compressed solid, and a plastic zone consisting of a plastic front with following plastically deformed material

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Scholar Commons Citation

Zhakhovsky, Vasily V.; Inogamov, Nail A.; Demaske, Brian J.; Oleynik, Ivan I.; and White, Carter T., "Elastic-Plastic Collapse of SuperElastic Shock Waves in Face-Centered-Cubic Solids" (2014). Elastic-plastic collapse of super-elastic shock waves in face-centered-cubic solids. V Zhakhovsky, Nail A Inogamov, Brian J Demaske, Ivan I Oleynik and Carter T White

Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
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