
Excitation curves for 24Mg(α, α) elastic scattering have been measured at four angles in the bombarding energy range 8 to 19 MeV. The excitation curves show that the differential cross section fluctuates widely and rapidly about an average cross section which depends strongly on energy and traces broader structures typically about 1 MeV wide. The narrow fluctuation structure was analysed and shown to resemble Ericson fluctuations with Γ ⪅ KeV. Eleven angular distributions have been measured and fitted by optical model analysis. Seven of these are in the region 12.30 to 14.00 MeV bombarding energy at maxima and minima of large fluctuations in the 90°c.m. excitation curve. Good fits were obtained with real well depths of about 110 MeV. The average of the seven angular distributions was separately analysed, and the quality of the fit is comparable to or better than that of the individual angular distribution fits.

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