
A comprehensive study of sillenite Bi12SiO20 single-crystal properties, including elastic stiffness and piezoelectric coefficients, dielectric permittivity, thermal expansion and molar heat capacity, is presented. Brillouin-interferometry measurements (up to 27 GPa), which were performed at high pressures for the first time, and ab initio calculations based on density functional theory (up to 50 GPa) show the stability of the sillenite structure in the investigated pressure range, in agreement with previous studies. Elastic stiffness coefficients c11 and c12 are found to increase continuously with pressure while c44 increases slightly for lower pressures and remains nearly constant above 15 GPa. Heat-capacity measurements were performed with a quasi-adiabatic calorimeter employing the relaxation method between 2 K and 395 K. No phase transition could be observed in this temperature interval. Standard molar entropy, enthalpy change and Debye temperature are extracted from the data. The results are found to be roughly half of the previous values reported in the literature. The discrepancy is attributed to the overestimation of the Debye temperature which was extracted from high-temperature data. Additionally, Debye temperatures obtained from mean sound velocities derived by Voigt-Reuss averaging are in agreement with our heat-capacity results. Finally, a complete set of electromechanical coefficients was deduced from the application of resonant ultrasound spectroscopy between 103 K and 733 K. No discontinuities in the temperature dependence of the coefficients are observed. High-temperature (up to 1100 K) resonant ultrasound spectra recorded for Bi12MO20 crystals revealed strong and reversible acoustic dissipation effects at 870 K, 960 K and 550 K for M = Si, Ge and Ti, respectively. Resonances with small contributions from the elastic shear stiffness c44 and the piezoelectric stress coefficient e123 are almost unaffected by this dissipation.


  • The cubic mineral sillenite, Bi12SiO20, first found at Durango, Mexico (Frondel 1943), is closely related to γ-Bi2O3 synthesized by Sillen in 1938 (Sillen 1938). γ-Bi2O3 is metastable at ambient conditions (Wells 1984), but can be stabilized by addition of metal oxides leading to the general sillenite composition Bi12MxO20±δ

  • Considering the potential scientific and industrial importance of sillenites and in order to complement our earlier work on sillenites, we report here on the complete sets of elastic stiffness coefficients, cij, of BSO, determined by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS) in the temperature range from 103 K to 733 K, Brillouin interferometry up to 27 GPa and by density functional theory (DFT) based model calculations in the athermal limit

  • Single-crystal Brillouin measurements up to 27 GPa and ab initio calculations by density functional theory up to 50 GPa show no indications of a structural phase transition in this pressure range

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February 2020

Christian Hirschle , Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal, Björn Winkler, Igor Alencar , Leonore Wiehl and Steffen Ganschow. Present Address: Institut für Anorganische Chemie, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Am Hubland, D-97074 Würzburg, the terms of the Creative. Commons Attribution 4.0 5 Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Avenida Bento Gonçalves 9500, CEP-91501-970 Porto Alegre-RS, Brazil licence

Experimental details
Brillouin scattering
Heat capacity measurements
Results and discussion
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