
<b>Background and Objective:</b> <i>Elaeidobius kamerunicus </i>Faust (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) is a weevil pollinator oil palm flower, <i>Elaeis guineensis</i> Jacq. (Arecales: Arecaceae) Jacq. Male and female inflorescences attracted the weevil, male inflorescences appeared to provides nectar and pollen but female inflorescences seemed provides the weevils with nectar. The objective of this research was to determine the dynamics of<i> E. kamerunicus </i>activity in pollinating oil palm flowers in Kumai, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. <b>Materials and Methods:</b> The population of <i>E. kamerunicus </i>that visited male flowers was calculated by taking a sample of 9 spikelets from male inflorescences, while the number of <i>E. kamerunicus </i>that come to female inflorescence was calculated by counting the weevil around the flower. <b>Results:</b> The results of this study showed that peak activity of <i>E. kamerunicus</i> on oil palm flowers<i> </i>occurred between 11.00-12.45. The male flowers blossomed occurred for 6-7 days to complete their inflorescence, while those of the females completed their cycle for 4-5 days. The oviposition of <i>E. kamerunicus </i>females fluctuated from 05.00-18.00. The number of females oviposits in the flower peaked at 09.00. Temperature and maximum light intensity had a positive correlation with the overall density of <i>E. kamerunicus</i> and oviposition by female weevils. The Minimum light intensity affects the abundance and visitation of <i>E. kamerunicus</i> on oil palm flowers. <b>Conclusion:</b> The abundance of <i>E. kamerunicus</i> population in Kumai was established and could give possibility resulting in the better fruit set of oil palm. Conservation efforts can be conducted by maintaining the abundance of the population, especially on the days and hrs of peak abundance of weevils.

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