
To analyze one part of the social benefit derived from non-professional (informal) caregivers by analyzing the hypothetical amount of resources that would need to be invested if informal care were substituted by formal care.Using data from the Survey of Disabilities, Personal Autonomy and Situations of Dependency (EDAD-2008), we estimated the cost to society if informal care were substituted by formal care of the population aged 65 years and older. For this purpose, first we computed the total amount of informal caregiving hours provided in Spain in 2008, and then we obtained its monetary worth by using the proxy good method.The monetary worth of informal care provided in 2008 ranged from 25,000 and 40,000 million euros, depending on the shadow price used to value one hour of care. These figures represented between 2.3% and 3.8% of the GDP for the same year. In regional terms, the valuation of informal care across Spain's autonomous regions showed a significant degree of dispersion, and in some regions, amounted to 6% of their GDP.The comprehensive approach to the care of the elderly should take the role and needs of informal caregivers into consideration. Caregivers should be given greater social recognition.

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