
The most important complications of central precocious puberty (CPP) in girls are loss of height and multiple psychosocial problems. To study the effect of triptorelin therapy in a cohort of girls with CPP. Thirty-four girls diagnosed with organic or idiopathic CPP and treated with monthly triptorelin were studied. Age, height in standard deviation (SD), bone age (Greulich and Pyle), height prediction (Bayle-Pinneau), body mass index (BMI) in SD, uterine size (pelvic ultrasound), target height, cranial magnetic resonance imaging, triptorelin dose, and treatment duration were studied. Triptorelin produced a statistically significant reduction in growth velocity and an increase in BMI after 1 year of therapy and these changes were maintained after discontinuation of therapy. Adult height in these patients was in accordance with their target genetic height, as well as with their predicted height according to the method of Bayley-Pinneau. No significant differences were found between age of menarche in our patients and in controls. Adult height in patients with organic CPP was significantly lower than that in patients with idiopathic CPP. 1. Triptorelin can increase BMI in girls with CPP. 2. The presence of an organic cause in patients with CPP worsens the prognosis for adult height. 3. The Bayley-Pinneau prediction method for "average" bone age is useful for establishing a prognosis of adult height in girls with CPP treated with triptorelin.

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