
Background and objective To estimate the level of compliance of the new smoke-free legislation in the hospitality sector in Zaragoza. Methods We performed a descriptive prevalence study, carried out during the first trimester of 2010. Simple random sampling based on 801 premises, classified into three types: restaurants, bars —including taverns, coffee shops, fast food restaurants— and night clubs. Variables: area, smoking or non-smoking establishment, separation between areas following the current regulations and visible sign-posting. Statistical analysis: Prevalence and confidence intervals; χ 2 test was used to detect the differences between proportions. Results In Zaragoza, smoking was allowed in 92.63% (95% CI, 90.66-94.29) of all establishments and was forbidden in 4.24% (95% CI, 3.00-5.9), and 2.62% (95% CI, 1.67-3.91) had separated smoking areas. In those places with an area exceeding 100 m 2, 74% were allowed to smoke in bars. The restaurants had more separated areas. There are no night clubs for non-smokers and only 3.4% had separated areas. Conclusions Four years after the introduction of the current law 28/2005, there is still no effective protection for those passive smokers who decide to visit these places, including passive-smoker employees, as 93.63% of the establishments allow smoking.

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