
Organizational communication contributes to the fulfillment of the functions, tasks and /or activities of the job position individually and in general, to the coordination of the set of activities that are developed in the entities to achieve the expected results. Work objective is to propose a procedure for a diagnosis and design of the communication system, integrated into the direction and management system with a strategic approach. The methodology was applied and validated in two Santiago de Cuba's organizations with satisfactory results. Different research techniques and tools are used, combining the quantitative with the qualitative approach, among which are: bibliographic analysis, documentary review and analysis, differents interviews types, questionnaire in survey form and checklists. Is possible developing as a result procedure for a diagnosis and design of organizational communication that overlaps the theoretical, methodological, structural and practical elements with an integrated approach to all management systems, providing the improvement of business processes. Its design based on current technical and legal regulations facilitates its generalization and adaptability to all types of organizations depending on its characteristics. Communication is a process that occurs in any type of organization, permanently involving internal and external clients, such as workers, managers, clients, suppliers and society.


  • La aplicación de un sistema de comunicación en la empresa estatal socialista está estrechamente relacionada con la idea de solucionar los problemas

  • Organizational communication contributes to the fulfillment of the functions, tasks and /or activities of the job position individually and in general, to the coordination of the set of activities that are developed in the entities to achieve the expected results

  • Work objective is to propose a procedure for a diagnosis and design of the communication system, integrated into the direction and management system with a strategic approach

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Encuestas a los trabajadores

El cuestionario o encuesta elaborada se aplica a una muestra representativa de trabajadores, con representación de todas las áreas de la estructura organizativa y categorías ocupacionales, posteriormente se procesan estadísticamente. La encuesta es anónima y posee 55 preguntas enfocadas a conocer las opiniones acerca de aspectos relativos a la comunicación organizacional. El instrumento se divide según el tema o la necesidad, siempre subdividido por objetivos y temas precisos a diagnosticar. Las preguntas son concisas y están elaboradas en un lenguaje claro y directo y abordan elementos propios de la organización que tributan a un sistema de comunicación eficaz

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