
Before the XIX century, nobody dare to construct a bridge on Guadalquivir river, from Cordoba to Sanlucar. It was, really, a great venture. In Sevilla, one of the most flourishing towns by the time in Spain, this problem was solved with a boat's bridge. That means that the technicians did not trust in the river bed. But, thanks to the fact of Sevilla’s prosperity and of the new technologies and new materials, they decided, finally, to undertake the work. The industrial use of the iron concerning communications and the success of the first suspension bridges -with span alike or higher to those herewith stated-, encouraged the technicians to jump over the one hundred and fifty meters between Sevilla and Triana . The choice of the suspension bridge was taken because it was useful to introduce other options, like this of the masonry, with Silvestre Perez not used from the XV century, and this of iron (arcs or beams). But, no one of them solved the bed problems.


  • The choice of the susp ension bridge was taken beca use it was useful to intr odu ce oth er op tions, Iike this of the masonry, with Silvestre P érez not used from the XV century, and this of ira n

  • El ensayo consistió en romper estas piezas trabajándolas como viga aislada sobre dos apoyos, con una carga concentrada en el centro y obtuve los si­ guientes resultados: El cilindro de fundición dura rompió con: 680kg flecha 6 mm

  • (16) "Los puentes de hierro.", Revista de Obras Públicas, Tomo 1861

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Befare the XIX century, no body dare to constru ct a bridge on Guad alquivir river, from Córdoba to Sanlucar. In Sevilla, one of the most fl ou rish ing tow ns by the time in Spa in, this problem was solved with a boat 's bridge. Limitado a la parte metá lica del puente, estud ia las posibil idades de elecc ión de las que se dispuso y el estado del arte de aquel tiempo. Como se verá a través de sus comentarios sob re el diseño de su puente del Carrousel, nos hará ver hasta qué punto supieron entender los problemas cons­ tructivos que planteaba este nuevo material

La unión entre las piezas de fundición para formar Jos arcos
Los tímpanos
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