
The purpose that animates this proposal, is to make a characterization of the instructional module from the perspective of the constructivist approach to the cognitive paradigm (Piaget, J., 1975, Vigotzky, L, 1989, Ausubel, Novak J., and Hanesian, D, H, 1993, Rodriguez, and Larios, B. 2006), highlighting the similarities and differences that may occur with the behaviorist approach (Skinner, B. f. 1974, Gagne, r. 1964) that has traditionally characterized to the design of instruction. The title itself seems to enclose a contradiction the concept instruction is associated to the design of teaching materials from the behaviorist perspective, but there is no such. The high level of complementarity between the two paradigms being related in the design of a module will be displayed rather than conceptual antagonism. The instructional module aims to guide the learner in an efficient and adequate to enable it to achieve the objectives of education in a satisfactory manner. (Nereci, 1990). The express purpose is to achieve a quality learning and economic at the time. The module enables, the way to achieve the purpose, is determined by the paradigm of learning to guide. The module is thus a didactic material that is as far as possible be selfsufficient, allowing learning independent of who interacts with your content. Nature will therefore depend on the paradigm that enlighten. To achieve the stated purpose, describes the conceptual evolution that has suffered the concept design of instruction, and the interpretation given to the elements which have traditionally characterized a module from the cognitive perspective.

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