
We will study to one of the most influential personages of the Sevillan spirituality of first half of century XVI: the Jesuit confessor of Teresa de Avila Rodrigo Alvarez. In this period a group of evangelical spirituality, paulina, visionary and prophetic organizes itself that has its origin in the axis Jerez-Lebrija and that soon will connect, through Rodrigo de Valer, with the evangelical ideas and from return to a primitive Church of the skillful canon of the cathedral of Seville Egidio, and through Rodrigo Alvarez with the Congregation of Granada, a species of school of hermetic spirituality composed by artists (Juan Bautista Vazquez, Vasco Pereira, Juan Martinez Montanes), clergymen and nuns whom its descendants in important personages in the eventful journeys of the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception will have as they were Hernando de Mata and Bernardo de Toro.

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