
espanolEl matrimonio de Fernando Munoz, guardia de Corps, con Maria Cristina de Borbon, le permitio organizar un grupo de poder en la Corte (que denomino “clan de Tarancon”), utilizando la influencia de la Casa Real y los ingresos que eran asignados a la familia real para su ascenso economico y social. Aunque los estudiosos de Historia Contemporanea espanola ya se han percatado de la importancia que la Casa Real aun gozaba dentro de la organizacion del Estado, es preciso profundizar en la evolucion social que experimento el “clan de Tarancon”. Munoz supo utilizar esta influencia para controlar la politica y para insertarse en los circulos economicos mas importantes de la nacion. En este articulo estudio como se inicio dicho proceso EnglishThe marriage of Fernando Munoz, Corps guard, with Maria Cristina de Borbon, allowed him to organize a power group in the Court (which I call the «clan of Tarancon»), using the influence of the Royal Household and the income that was allocated to the royal family for its economic and social advancement. The scholars of Spanish Contemporary History have not paid attention to the importance that the Royal House still enjoyed within the organization of the State. Munoz knew how to use this influence to control politics and to insert himself into the most important economic circles of the nation. In this article I study how this process was initiated

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