
Objetive: To provide information on the vision of the office of midwife in the Spain of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. To describe the different positions in relation to the practice of this activity in this historical centuries. Method: Detailed analysis of the information on this subject that it’s included in an unpublished manuscript preserved in the Royal Library of Madrid. An interesting unpublished manuscript preserved in the Royal Library in Madrid provides information on the profession of midwife. It has two distinct parts. The first part includes the report that drafted the lawyer Pedro Varaez in order to show that children of mothers who practiced this profession didn’t lose their privileges in case of having by birth. In his presentation, collects quotes from the sacred books, the works of classical authors and, above all, expert medieval canonists and different jurists of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The second, written by Antonio Diez also licensed Francisco Cabrera, rejected every argument put forward by Varaez, but without mentioning hardly more than a few references. The document also contains interesting information for the history of the profession of midwife and recognition they enjoyed in different periods, as people who ensured the health of women in labor, staking his entire practice, and whose presence was relevant when to guarantee the rights of the firstborn, in case of multiple births. |


  • RESUMO Objetivo: Fornecer informações sobre a visão do escritório de parteira na Espanha dos séculos XVI e XVII

  • An interesting unpublished manuscript preserved in the Royal Library in Madrid provides information on the profession of midwife

  • Escrito con toda probabilidad a finales del siglo XVI o comienzos del siguiente, fue contestado por el inquisidor Francisco Antonio Díez de Cabrera, quien rebatió en un breve comentario los fundamentos del primero, sin apenas mencionar fuentes en que apoyarse, excepción hecha de la referencia a dos Padres de la Iglesia, que cita para desmentir la información facilitada por los Evangelios apócrifos respecto a la Virgen María y a la partera Salomé, pretendida matrona de Nuestra Señora

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Más extensa, incluye el informe que redactó el licenciado Pedro Varaez para demostrar que los hijos de madres que practicaban este oficio no perdían sus privilegios nobiliarios en caso de poseerlos por nacimiento. Escrita por el también licenciado Francisco Antonio Díez de Cabrera, rebate todos los argumentos esgrimidos por Varaez, pero sin mencionar apenas más que unas cuantas referencias.

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