
Numero 98 Mayo - Agosto 2000 Nueva Serie Ano XXXIII ISSN 0041 8633 EL INCUMPLIMIENTO DE LAS ORDENANZAS SOBRE MEDIDAS PROVISIONALES DE LA CORTE INTERNACIONAL DE JUSTICIA: EL CASO LAGRAND Soledad TORRECUADRADA GARCIA-LOZANO In this work, the author analyses from a legal-international perspective, problems related to the Viena Convention on consular relations. In order to do so, the author studies the LaGrand case. She refers to the facts that originated the sentence of the LaGrand brothers, who were executed in Arizona during the first quarter of 1999, infringing an order of the International Court of Justice. The study also refers to the procee-dings before the Court, and to the content of the resolution issued by it. Finally, the article makes some considerations about the provisional measures issued by the Court, and the legal effects of the Courts orders. * Nota: Debido que la traduccion es automatica podra ser inexacta o contener errores.

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