
IN his prologue to this play, Lope offers a hint as to its origin. After having retouched late in life this product of his youthfill genius, he dedicated it to his 'best friend,' Juan de Pinia, with these words: 'While in the service of that most excellent gentleman, Don Antonio de Toledo y Beamonte, Duke of Alba, in the age which may be described as the green springtime of my flowery years, I heard related a part of this story, to the beginnings of which I had been a witness, the spofisor for its truth, if truth it has, being a Valencian gentleman, Borja by name, in soul an Alexander and in valour of person a second Spanish Alcides. I took a liking to the incident for I already had one for the gentleman whom I mention, and I wrote it down in the style then in vogue. I found it on the present occasion begging alms like the rest, as broken and friendless as are wont to be those who set forth from their land as soldiers, with the fuss and feathers of young blood and return after many years with wooden legs, stumps of arms, lacking eyes, and with regimentals of uncertain hue. I endeavoured to correct it, and, for better or for worse, it goes into the world, bearing the name of my best friend. Many know that such your grace is, and it would be tiresome to make excuses for not offering you greater things, more worthy of your talent; but often men do not give those they love things of most price, but rather what they most esteem1.' The Valencian gentleman in question is, without much doubt, Lope's friend, Don Francisco de Borja, Prince of Esquilache, a native of Valencia, well-known as poet and viceroy of Peru. From Lope's words, we may conclude that the plot of El Domine Lucas is based upon an actual occurrence, probably some student adventure in which the hero proved

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