
Firstly, the article analyses the situation from which we start off in the context of the various churches: a diversity of doctrine and liturgical and pastoral practice with regard to the three sacraments of initiation. For the purposes of this comparative study we analyse firstly the convergences and discrepancies between the orthodox Churches and the Catholic Church. In second place, the convergences and discrepancies with the Churches born of the Protestant Reformation. In the light of these different lines of theology and sacramental practice, this section finishes with a question: How have we arrived at this situation? In order to reply, we review the history and theology in debate between the Christian Churches about the three sacraments. Secondly, the author tackles the advances in the ecumenical dialogue on the sacraments of initiation. In order to contemplate these advances we study the repercussions of Vatican II and later Catholic documents, given that in them the Catholic Church has shown signs of being open to a real «reform» in this field. At a second stage, we move to an analysis of an important agreed document on sacramental matters between Protestants, Orthodox and Catholics, the Lima Document: «Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry» (BEM). In it we study its primary common doctrine on Baptism and Confirmation and then on the Eucharist. Thirdly the article concludes with some proposals to advance the theological dialogue in question. In order to do this, the criteria for a mutual recognition of Baptism are proposed, some observations are made to advance the question of Confirmation and the author concludes with a theological reflection on the Eucharist.

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